Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Inter- Province Jubilarians' Meet of Indian Provinces

Bombay Province  Jubilarians  with Sr. Regina Kottackal, the Provincial and Sr. Regi Mathew, the  formation Coordinator.

  Rourkela Province Jubilarians  with Sr. Regina Kottackal, the Provincial and Sr. Regi Mathew, the  formation Coordinator.
 Calcutta Province Jubilarians  with Sr. Regina Kottackal, the Provincial and Sr. Regi Mathew, the  formation Coordinator.

It was a happy Occasion for all our Jubilarians of three Indian Provinces- Bombay, Rourkela and Calcutta as they had gathered together at Kolkata from 1st -5th November, 2017. It was a time of grace  and thanksgiving.

Dear Jubilarians, we are grateful to the Lord  for you for you have touched the lives of so many people. You have  become the inspirations for  the younger F.Cs. 


Thursday, 2 November 2017

Photos of Sesquicentennial Jubilee

 Inter - Province Jubilarians with Archbishop, Bishops and Priest

 Sr. Anupama Toppo, the Assistant General, Sr. Regina Kottackal the Provincial and her council with Archbishop, Bishops and Priest.

 Fr. Saju George SJ & his team on the stage

Archbishop Thomas D' Souza, Bishops, priests, sisters & dignitaries are brought to the Hall in solemn procession.
Hostel children from Little Flower Convent Basanti ready for the entrance Dance.